For more than 20 years, ESOL volunteers have participated in language and literacy work in the Lexington-Rockbridge area and beyond. By Kelsey GoodwinJanuary 31, 2023 English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) is a student organization at Washington and Lee...
¡Las clases comunitaros de inglés han vuelto! Las clases son gratuitas. Hagan correr la voz, por favor. Si tienen cualquier pregunta o duda, contactarse con: Sydney Gomez: Mynor Lopez: ...
Tuesday, October 12th 6 p.m. in Leyburn 119 ESOL is recruiting volunteers! Come to our All-Member Meeting and meet the ESOL leadership team. Learn about the services we offer to support local Latinx communities. Sign up with one of our teams to assist with: K-12...
The Rockbridge Community Health Foundation-Carilion Rockbridge Community Hospital grant was awarded to W&L’s English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) in order to support the implementation of a new, community-based summer program for K-12 youth who would...