E.S.O.L. Services

ESOL offers several services to community members of Rockbridge County

English Classes

ESOL offers free one-to-one English Classes for adults in Rockbridge County, in both virtual and in-person formats.  We also offer a weekly, in-person Community Class on Monday evenings in our office on the W&L campus. These classes are for English learners of all levels!  Schedule of free English classes in our local community.  

In & After School Tutoring

ESOL offers free, one-to-one after-school tutoring for K-12 students in English and other core subjects including science, math, history, and social studies.

Community Connections

Throughout the school year, ESOL sponsors several community events including a Career/College Night; Book Fairs; Movies; Dance Classes; and others. We also support Project Horizon's yearly Latinx Festival on Hopkins Green, which takes place during the fall. Download a list of Community Resources here  and check out our  Photo Gallery of past events.


ESOL offers free Translation services for a broad array of public schools and community agencies in Rockbridge County. We offer both English/Spanish and Spanish/English translations. 


ESOL offers free interpretation services for  individuals by request, as needed at local doctors appointments, parent-teacher meetings, the DMV, etc. Our interpreting services also support our community partners from the W&L Immigrant Rights Clinic; Lexington Public Schools; the Walker Program, and others.

Join us for Programa SOL 2023!     ¡Los esperamos en Programa SOL 2023! 


Sign your child up for Programa Sol here

*Spaces are limited apply by March 3rd!

Padres y guardianes

Inscribe a su hijo en Programa Sol aquí

*Espacios limitados ¡Aplicar antes de 3° de Marzo!

¡Vengan a estudiar el inglés con nosotr@s!

Las clases son gratuitas y se reunen todas los lunes de 6:15-7:15 p.m. en el campus de W&L: Mattingly House, 2 Lee Avenue, Lexington VA

Póngase en contacto con Sharon Mendieta Ramirez y Archita Aggarwal para más información.



Mire el mapa del campus de W&L para encontrar la oficina de ESOL.

Mire la agenda para las clases de inglés en nuestra comunidad local.

Used/New Laptop Program

ESOL is currently matching its clients (individual and families) with new or used laptops and iPads that have been donated by community members in order to facilitate classes, study, and work online.  Over the past three months, we have given away 19 laptops and iPads to adults and families in our area.

Read about ESOL’s Laptop Program in The News Gazette here.

Watch WDBJ’s feature on ESOL’s Laptop Program here.

Do you need a new or used laptop or Ipad?

Contact Us!

Would you like to donate a new or used laptop for ESOL clients to use?

Contact us!

ESOL volunteers also engage with students abroad, in Puerto Morelos, México

International Outreach

Together with W&L’s General Development Initiative & the Shepherd Program, ESOL has responded to a community request for increased access to English language education at the Colegio de Bachilleres & Biblioteca Municipal in Puerto Morelos, México. Check back for more details and a program application to join us in Spring 2022!

W&L Students:

Interested in joining ESOL in Puerto Morelos, México this Spring 2022?   

The W&L English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program strives to facilitate communication among the rural & increasingly diverse language communities of Rockbridge County. We aim to foster multilingualism & greater social equity in our area through language learning & literacy initiatives. While we reject the imposition of English, we believe that English-language competency is important for accessing vital health, human, & education services. We support & collaborate with speakers of many languages, including, but not limited to, English and Spanish. Our student volunteers also participate in language & literacy work beyond the Lexington-Rockbridge region, thus returning to our area with greater cultural competency & a broader horizon of experiences.

Number of Children & Adults who received ESOL Services

Number of Laptops Donated

Number of Student Volunteers

Llámenos ~



(540) 458-8816

(540) 458-4880

Nuestra Oficina ~


Early-Fielding 108

204 W. Washington St.

Lexington, VA 24450
